Your Car And Truck Accident Advocate
With miles of roadways across the state, car and truck accidents are common occurrences in California. Accidents can cause serious injuries that may lead to expensive medical bills and require you to miss work. After an accident, it is vital that you contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to get started on your case.
Attorney David Kaufman has years of experience helping La Jolla clients obtain the compensation they deserve after suffering in a car or truck accident. He understands how overwhelming and scary it can be to face the legal system. He will be there with you every step of the way.
Fighting For Your Rights After Your Car Accident
From distracted drivers to slippery roads, car accidents are unfortunately rising in California and across the country. While recovering from your injuries, you may also face a severe financial hit from the mounting medical bills and the time you have missed at work. Filing a personal injury claim after your accident is a way to obtain compensation for these losses.
Working with the Law Offices of David A Kaufman can make the process easier and more efficient. As an attorney who has dedicated much of his practice to personal injury law, you can trust David Kaufman to represent your interests and fight for what you deserve.
Calculating The Value Of A California Car Accident
After suffering crash injuries, be sure to explore all potential forms of compensation to accurately estimate the value of your car accident. Here are some considerations.
Compensation often begins with medical bills. After an accident, you may need emergency transportation via ambulance or airlift to a local hospital for treatment. You also have to factor in the cost of emergency treatment at the medical center, which can increase drastically if you have to spend days in the hospital before being discharged.
Medical bills often continue even after your discharge. You may have long-term costs, such as the need for physical rehabilitation, surgery or medication. Consider both short-term and long-term medical bills.
Next, look into lost wages, starting from the moment your accident injuries kept you from working until the return to your job. Account for all lost wages, including hourly income, bonuses, tips and commissions.
Be sure to also consider the long-term impact on your earnings. If you can no longer work in your chosen profession – or at all – then you may need compensation for lost future wages or a reduced earning capacity.
For instance, before the accident, perhaps you had a good job earning over $200,000 per year, but your traumatic brain injury prevents a return to that job. You are forced to take a position earning substantially less due to the limitations imposed by the crash injuries. This means you are losing wages each year because of the original car accident.
Another consideration is the extent of noneconomic harm, or pain and suffering caused by your car accident injuries. These nonmonetary damages can be challenging to quantify in financial terms, making legal guidance necessary to help estimate the value they can add to your claim.
California pain and suffering can include:
• Chronic physical pain from crash injuries
• Accident-related emotional distress (anxiety, depression, etc.)
• Loss of life enjoyment from the inability to participate in beloved activities
• Loss of companionship for relationship changes, crash injuries caused
Pain and suffering can be complex to prove, but meticulous evidence gathering and documentation can help.
Have Questions About Your Recent Crash Incident?
You may have a lot running through your mind after a car or truck crash. It can be challenging to gather your thoughts and figure out how to navigate the situation. However, time is of the essence in these scenarios and having some basic knowledge can be helpful.
Here are some of the questions we hear most often from our clients. These answers should give you a general idea of what to know and what to do:
How Do You Sue After A Car Accident?
To pursue a successful car accident claim in California, you’ll need to demonstrate how the other party neglected their duty of care and harmed you. The way you prove this negligence isn’t always linear, which is why navigating your lawsuit with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney is so crucial. Call 619-830-4328 to contact someone from our team today.
What Should You Say To Insurance After A Car Accident?
Knowing the right way to discuss the accident with your insurer can be complicated. When speaking with your insurer, it’s vital to give them your honest interpretation of what happened while also avoiding any language that may make your insurer believe you are the one at fault for the accident.
It’s hard to remember everything that happened after a car crash. You may do your best to tell your story as accurately and honestly as possible. If your insurer doesn’t believe you and tries to deny your claim, we can help.
Is There A Statute Of Limitations After A Car Accident?
California car crash victims typically have about two years to file a personal injury claim from the accident date. However, there can be exceptions to this rule. For example, if a minor was involved in the crash, the two-year statute of limitations kicks in once they turn 18.
Truck Accidents Are Serious And Require Serious Representation
Accidents between large commercial trucks and passenger vehicles are often catastrophic. The sheer size difference between the two vehicles makes it incredibly dangerous for the passenger vehicle’s driver. It often causes serious injuries such as brain and spinal wounds. While many regulations are in place to promote the safety of commercial trucks, accidents are still common in California.
Truck accidents are unique because a personal injury claim is often filed against multiple parties. With an average passenger-on-passenger vehicle accident, you typically only have to manage one other party and insurer. With truck accidents, depending on the circumstances of the case, you may be able to file against the driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, the person in charge of maintenance and even the company that owns the goods the truck is transporting.
Contact An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today
Contact the Law Offices of David A Kaufman today to schedule a consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney. The sooner you get started on your case, the better your chance of obtaining full and fair compensation for your injuries. Contact David Kaufman today by calling 619-830-4328 or completing an online contact form.